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    • Emergen-C, 90 Packets
    • Emergen C 维生素C
    • 维生素C,净含量:828g,3*30小包,内含三种口味: 树莓味,橙子味,橘子口味,Emergen-C1000mg维生素C冲剂,冬天热饮,夏天冷饮,方便健康,精美盒装,送礼佳品,天然无添加,1000mg高含量,低热量,不添加色素香料和甜味剂。易吸收,粉剂袋装,方便服用。维生素C以液体的方式充分溶解在水里,进入人体后能被快速补充,吸收剂利用率高,采用量小的独立包装,能帮助有效的密封保存,且携带更方便。特别添加24种矿物质和B族维生素,使VC的功效发挥到好。(122717)
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    • Vitamin Supplement Drink Mix
    • Vitamin C, B Vitamins, Electrolytes
    • 30 Super Orange, 30 Raspberry, 30 Tangerine 

    Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.


    • With each sip of this great tasting, naturally flavored and naturally sweetened vitamin drink mix, you can feel the nutrients flow through your body in a wave of Emergen-C? rejuvenation.

      We offer the formula, flavor, fizz and FUN you’re looking for with these 3 flavors of our vitamin supplement drink mix!

      • 7 B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12 enhance energy naturally? without caffeine.

      • Great for post-workout, replace key electrolytes lost through perspiration.?

      Immune Support
      • 1,000 mg of vitamin C plus other antioxidants zinc and manganese support your immune system.?

    • Antioxoidants
      • Vitamin C is essential in maintaining a healthy immune system, and is critical to the formation of collagen, a structural protein that supports the skin and internal organs.?
      • Zinc is crucial to the immune system. It helps maintain white blood cell activity, and helps support antioxidant protection.?

      B Vitamins

      • Thiamin (B1) plays a key role in the body's metabolic cycle for generating energy; helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates; and helps maintain a healthy nervous system.?
      • Riboflavin (B2) is critical in breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats so your body can use them for energy and repair.?
      • Niacin (B3) is a component of coenzymes that are involved in producing energy and building larger molecules such as fatty acids and some life-sustaining hormones.?
      • Vitamin B6 plays a role in forming energy-rich compounds and niacin, red blood cell and fat metabolism, nervous system functions, and modulation of hormones. Vitamin B6 is a dietarily important nutrient because the body cannot make it.?
      • Folic Acid (B9) produces healthy effects in the body and cells by functioning with enzymes. Folic acid works with two other B vitamins, B12 & B6, to help maintain healthy levels of homocysteine, an amino acid, in the blood.?
      • Vitamin B12 is used in helping metabolize food for energy and making healthy red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells help carry oxygen to cells and may help promote feelings of energy.?
      • Pantothenic Acid (B5) is an essential nutrient. A form of pantothenic acid is used in the body to help generate energy from fat, carbohydrates, and proteins.?

      Electrolytes and energy metabolism minerals

      • Calcium supports healthy hydration, muscle function, and also plays a critical role in the electrical conduction system of the heart.?
      • Magnesium supports healthy hydration and muscle function. Over three hundred enzymes require magnesium as a cofactor.?
      • Sodium supports healthy hydration, nerve and muscle function, and blood pH.?
      • Potassium supports healthy hydration and is especially important for normal muscle contraction.?
      • Phosphorus is an essential element used in the body as a structural component and participates in energy production and storage.?

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