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    • Kirkland Signature Aller-Fex 180 mg., 180 Tablets
    • Kirkland 柯克兰 Aller Fex 抗花粉过敏/荨麻疹片 180 mg*180片
    • 该产品可以缓解由花粉和上呼吸道过敏造成的如下症状: 打喷嚏、 流鼻水,眼睛瘙痒、流泪及咽喉和鼻子发痒。适用于成人及12岁和12岁以上儿童的慢性特发荨麻疹皮肤症状,能有效减轻瘙痒及季节性过敏性鼻炎症状。(082817)
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    Kirkland Signature Aller-Fex 180 mg, 180 tablets.

    Kirkland Aller-Fex 系列抗过敏片180mg 180片
    4月19号开始发货 1.2



    • Fexofenadine HCl 180 mg.
    • Compare to Allegra? Allergy Active Ingredient
    • #1 Allergist Recommended Active Ingredient
    • Indoor/Outdoor Allergy Relief
    • Non-Drowsy 

    Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.

    Product Overview

    • About
      Aller-Fex? active ingredient is Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180 mg, an original prescription strength medication approved for the treatment of both indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms. One dose of Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets, 180 mg works for a full 24 hours.

      Aller-Fex? is approved to treat indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms in adults and children 12 years of age and older.
    • understanding
      An allergy is a sensitivity to a substance that is normally harmless. Flowers, trees, a family pet, or dust are examples of things that can cause an allergy. Even foods like peanut butter, fish, and milk can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive people. A substance that triggers an allergy is called an allergen.

      People can have different reactions to allergens, even when they are allergic to the same things. For example, an allergen that causes eye inflammation in one person may cause headache in another. Some common reactions a person might experience after contact with an allergen include:
      ? asthma
      ? hay fever
      ? upset stomach
      ? eye inflammation
      ? eczema (a skin disease)
      ? itching
      ? itching of the roof of the mouth
      ? itchy ears, nose and throat
    • Anaphylaxis
      In rare cases, allergens can cause a severe reaction called anaphylaxis that can result in shock and can even be life-threatening. Allergens most likely to cause this dangerous response include some foods (such as peanuts and shellfish), drugs, insect stings, and latex. The reaction may begin almost immediately after contact with the substance.

      If you or anyone shows signs of anaphylaxis, call for medical assistance immediately.

    • Allergy Tips
      Avoiding Allergens
      If you are allergic to a certain food or to a pet, total avoidance is the best strategy. Unfortunately, many allergens are not easy to eliminate. Dust mites, cockroaches, and mold are some common indoor allergens, and even if you keep your house immaculately clean, tiny particles of these substances are likely to remain. They can get into furniture, bedding, and soft toys.

    • Here are some tips that can help you keep your house allergy-safe:
      ? Limit the number of carpets in your home. It is easier to remove allergens from smooth, hard floors such as tile or wood.

      ? Keep out of your basement. Most basements are damp, which encourages mold growth. A dehumidifier may help as well.

      ? Enclose your mattress in a vinyl cover to protect against dust mites.

      ? Remove all cloth drapes or curtains from your bedroom and replace with blinds.

      ? Wash bed linens and pillows in water hotter than 130? F to kill dust mites.

      ? Use an air purifier with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate-arresting) filter to minimize the allergens floating in the air.

      ? If pet dander (skin flakes) is the cause of your child’s allergies, finding a good home for the pet might be the best solution, but if the pet is an important member of the household, this may not be an option. The next best thing is to keep the pet out of your bedroom.
    • Dosing Info
    • Drug Facts
    • chart

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