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Kirkland Signature Adult Multivitamin, 320 Gummies 柯克兰成人多维他命软糖 瓶装 内含160粒 两瓶装
2.2 |
截止日期 2025-03-28 |
库存:5 保质期:09/2025 预售充足
Vitamin C is an ascorbic acid that is absorbed by the intestines and then reabsorbed through the kidneys. It aids the body in many key metabolic reactions, functioning within the blood stream and inside cells to support cell health and immune system function.? Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that functions as a free radical scavenger.? Free radicals are the natural by-products of everyday metabolic and immune system processes. They are incomplete atoms or molecules that attack nearby molecules in an attempt to become complete. Antioxidants such as vitamin C are part of the body's natural support system against free radicals, safely neutralizing the harmful substances and helping to promote healthy cells.?
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient found in many foods. In the body, it acts as an antioxidant, helping to fight against free radicals which may cause cell damage.? People are also exposed to free radicals in the environment from cigarette smoke, air pollution, and ultraviolet light from the sun. The body also needs vitamin E to support its immune system.? It helps to maintain healthy blood vessels and support circulatory health.? 商品中文说明含有人体所需要的10种基本维生素和矿物质。有助于增强体力,保护细胞,骨骼,关节,和免疫系统的健康。不含乳糖,人造香精,麸质和小麦。
产品说明:它是天然颜色的水果口味软糖,每日两颗,作为膳食补充,可补充维生素A,C和D及一些必要微量元素。不含任何色素及防腐剂,天然水果萃取,工作压力较大的成人,尤其是烟民朋友们,更要补充身体所缺乏的维生素及矿物质。 特别适合无法每天充分摄取水果,蔬菜及全壳类食物者。作为膳食补充剂,每日两颗就可以满足您的营养需求。
产品成分: 成分与含量(每2粒软糖含以下成分 碳水化合物:3g---1%、糖 3g 维生素A:2500 IU---50%、维生素C:30 mg---50% 维生素D: 800 IU---200%、维生素E:15 IU---50% 烟酸:10 mg---50%、维生素B6:4 mg---200% 叶酸:400 mcg---100%、维生素B-12:12 mcg---200% 生物素:15mcg---5%、泛酸:10mg---100% 铬:120mcg---100% 、钼:37.5mcg---50% 胆碱:40mcg、肌醇:3mg、叶黄素:275mcg、硼:150mcg |