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    • Neosporin Maximum Strength Ointment, 2 Ounces
    • 邦迪Neosporin抗菌膏 切伤刮伤烧伤缓解疼痛 3支装
    • 规格:3支装。 一支28.3g,两支14.2g。可用于一般的外伤和烫伤。对于动物咬伤和深度的外伤,烫伤,高度推荐!家用常备药物!(111317)
    图片 实拍图 英文品名
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    neosporin max str antibiootic ointment

    邦迪Neosporin抗菌膏 切伤刮伤烧伤缓解疼痛 3支装



    • This Item is Only Available for Purchase at your Local Costco Warehouse
    • 1 Tube, 1 Ounce Plus 2 Tubes 0.5 Ounces
    • First Aid Antibiotic/Pain Relieving Ointment
    • For Home & On-the-Go
    • Soothes Cuts, Scrapes, and Burns 

    Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.


    • NEOSPORIN? - Soothes painful cuts, scrapes and burns
    • NEOSPORIN? + Pain Relief Ointment, 2 Oz

      Powerful Infection Protection + Pain Relief

      NEOSPORIN+ Pain Relief Ointment helps prevent infection and provides maximum strength pain relief from minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.

      At a Glance:
      • 24 hour Infection Protection
      • Maximum Strength Pain Relief
      • Soothes Painful Cuts, Scrapes and Burns
      • #1 Doctor Recommended Brand1
      • Using NEOSPORIN? Ointment and covering wound with
        bandage is more effective than a bandage alone
      • Dual Action Ointment
      • Starts to kill germs in as little as 15 min in lab studies
      • Helps prevent infection and provides temporary pain relief 

      1The ProVoice survey, fielded to 17,899 physicians from January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016, demonstrated at a 99% confidence level that NEOSPORIN? is the #1 product recommended most often in the topical anti-infective category.

    NEOSPORIN? + Pain Relief Ointment

    • NEOSPORIN? - Clean, Treat, Protect
    • When you or a loved one has a minor injury, you want it to heal as quickly as possible. Minor cuts and scrapes can become contaminated with dirt and germs, which may cause infection and delay healing. That’s why NEOSPORINrecommends an easy-to-follow 3-step process to promote healing. Clean, Treat, and Protect your wounds to avoid infection that could delay healing. Keep these three steps in mind for Proper Wound Care:
    • Step 1: Clean

      Cleaning a wound is the first step to a quick and proper recovery. To complete this step, clean the affected area using a mild soap or saline water. Blot dry with a sterile BAND-AID?Brand of First Aid Products MIRASORBGauze Sponge. Make sure to clean the affected area thoroughly.
    • Step 2: Treat

      Once the affected area is cleaned, continue to the second step of the regimen, treatment. Treat the wound with NEOSPORINPlus Pain Ointment to help prevent infection and aid in the relief of pain or discomfort in minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Put a small amount of the product (about the same as the surface area of a fingertip) on the area one to three times a day.
    • Step 3: Protect

      After treating the affected area protect the wound until it is completely healed with a BAND-AID? Brand Adhesive Bandage like a WATER BLOCKCLEAR adhesive bandage.
    • How can NEOSPORIN? help?
    • NEOSPORIN? + Pain Relief Ointment
    • Can NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotics be used on my baby?
      Although there isn’t an age limit for Original NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotic Ointment products the NEOSPORIN? Brand always recommends contacting a physician before treating babies or young children less than 2 years old. Maximum Strength NEOSPORIN? + Pain Relief First Aid Antibiotic/Pain Relieving Creams and Ointments are recommended for adults and children 2 years old and older.

      Can NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotics be used on my baby’s diaper rash?
      No, It is not recommended to do this. However, DESITIN? diaper rash ointment is an effective diaper rash treatment.

      Can NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotics be used on my pet?
      We know how well NEOPSORIN? First Aid Antibiotics works for you, but we cannot recommend using these first aid products on animals. It is recommended you contact a veterinarian.

      Can I use NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotics if my tube is expired?
      No. If your product has expired, please properly discard it and obtain new product.

      Can I use NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotics for uses not on the label?
      NEOSPORIN? First Aid Antibiotics are only indicated as first aid products to help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes and burns.



    使用方法:1.对伤口做简单清洁后,涂抹药膏,可以迅速缓解疼痛,并加速愈合伤口;清洁伤口,建议使用同品牌的儿童伤口抗菌消炎止痛喷剂.  2.必要时贴上邦迪或纱布  3.伤口部位每天清理1-3次。




    抗菌成分:Polymyxin B Sulfate 硫酸多粘菌素B(5,000单位)


    消炎抗菌成分:Neomycin 新霉素(3.5毫克)


    止痒成分:Pramoxine Hydrochloride 盐酸普莫卡因(400单位)









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