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    • Nature Made Vitamin B12 1000 mcg., 400 Softgels
    • Nature Made B12 Vitamin 1000mcg 维他命B12 400粒
    • 维他命B12,净含量:400粒,维生素B12,几乎不含于植物性食物的维生素B12,是素食者最容易缺乏的维生素,也是红血球生成不可缺少的重要元素,如果严重缺乏,将导致恶性贫血!维生素B12能够有效增进食欲,改善精神忧郁,消除烦躁。(122917)
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    Nature Made Vitamin B-12 1000mcg 400 Softgels

    Nature Made B12 Vitamin 1000mcg 维他命B12 400粒



    • Supports Cellular Energy Production in the Body
    • #1 Pharmacist Recommended Letter Vitamin Brand
    • USP Verified 

    Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.

    Product Overview

    • Nature Made? Vitamin B12 1000 mcg is important for converting the food you eat into cellular energy.? Vitamin B12 is also important for proper red blood cell formation and normal function of the nervous system.?

      • 1000 mcg of Vitamin B12 as Cyanocobalamin
      • Helps support cellular energy production in the body?
      • Important for proper red blood cell formation?
      • Helps support normal nervous system function?
      • #1 Pharmacist Recommended Vitamin & Supplement Brand*
    • Vitamin B12 is important for the metabolic pathways that release cellular energy from fat and protein.?

      Many factors can contribute to a lack of energy and energy depletion. High amounts of stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and busy lifestyles can negatively affect our energy levels.

      Vitamin B12 is needed for DNA synthesis, proper red blood cell formation, and for normal nervous system function.?
    • Vegetarians and vegans are especially at risk for vitamin B12deficiency due to the lack of animal-derived foods in their diet. A vitamin B12 supplement is a prudent measure to help address this nutrient gap.2

      Others at risk for B12 deficiency include adults over the age of 50, individuals with reduced stomach acid, regular antacid users, and individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery or with intestinal malabsorption.2,3 

      Individuals at risk for deficiency can have their healthcare provider assess pertinent biomarkers to ascertain their vitamin B12status.
    • Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products. This is why vegetarians and vegans are at greater risk of not meeting recommended levels of vitamin B12 in their diet.

      It is generally not present in plant foods, but fortified breakfast cereals provide a non-food-bound source of vitamin B12 with high bioavailability. This is important for vegetarians, vegans, older adults with inadequate stomach acid, or those who regularly utilize antacids.

    • * Based on a survey of pharmacists who recommend branded vitamins and supplements
      Δ The USDA reports that approximately 9% of Americans are deficient in vitamin B12. Source: USDA report on Tufts University Framingham Offspring Study: http://ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2000/000802.htm Original research article: Tucker KL et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;71:514-22.
    • Suggested Use: Take one softgel daily with a meal.

      Other Ingredients: Soybean Oil, Gelatin (Porcine), Glycerin, Yellow Beeswax, Water, Soy Lecithin, Colors Added. 

      Contains: Soy

      No Color Added. No Artificial Flavors. No Preservatives. NoYeast or Starch. Gluten Free

      Keep out of reach of children.

      Given that no two people are alike, if you are taking any medications you should be aware that potential drug-nutrient interactions may occur and are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional before using this product.

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