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    • Bausch + Lomb Lumify Redness Reliever Eye Drops - 15ml.
    • Bausch + Lomb 博士伦 Lumify 滴眼液去红血丝眼药水 15ml
    • 规格:7.5mlx2瓶装。经常熬夜眼睛就很容易有红血丝,眼睛干涩不舒服,这个博士伦Lumify去红血丝眼药水,可有效显著的减少眼部红血丝,让眼白更白、更清澈。经FDA批准的配方,由医生开发,临床证明可在1分钟内便减少红血丝,效果可持续长达8小时。不含任何漂白剂或染料,可放心使用。眼白变白之后,人看起来会更年轻更有精神哦。(080519)
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    Bausch + Lomb Lumify Redness Reliever Eye Drops - 15ml.

    Bausch + Lomb 博士伦 Lumify 滴眼液去红血丝眼药水 15ml



    • This Item Is Only Available Online At Costco.com
    • 2 Bottles, 7.5 Milliters Each
    • FDA Approved
    • Brimonidine Tartrate Opthalmic Solution 0.025%
    • Works in 1 Minute and Lasts up to 8 Hours  

    Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.

    Lumify? Redness Reliever Eye Drops - Multi-pack

    • We understand how important eyes are.
      Despite all of the eye creams, mascara, eyeliners and shadows, if your eyes are red, you won’t look your best.

      LUMIFY? Redness Reliever eye drops, from the eye care experts at Bausch + Lomb, have a unique formulation? approved by the FDA that dramatically reduces redness to help your eyes appear whiter and brighter. LUMIFY starts working in 60 seconds, lasts up to 8 hours, and does not contain any bleach or dyes.


      • LUMIFY works differently than other redness relievers by selectively targeting redness? and avoiding some of the potential side effects common to redness relievers — rebound redness and loss of effectiveness over time – when used as directed.
      • LUMIFY significantly reduces redness to help your eyes look whiter and brighter. Approved by the FDA, LUMIFY is the first over-the-counter eye drop to contain the active ingredient brimonidine tartrate (0.025%).

      If you wear contacts, make sure to take them out.
      Tip: The corner of your eye may be the most comfortable.
      Starts working in 1 minute. Lasts up to 8 hours.

      For adults and children 5 years of age and over:
      • instill 1 drop in the affected eye(s) every 6-8 hours
      • do not use more than 4 times daily
      • remove contact lenses before use
      • wait at least 10 minutes before re-inserting contact lenses after use 
      • if using other ophthalmic products while using this product, wait at least 5 minutes between each product 
      • to avoid contamination, do not touch tip of container to any surface
      • replace cap after each use

      For children under 5 years of age: consult a doctor

    • Can I use LUMIFY eye drops with my contacts?
      LUMIFY can be used with contacts, but be sure to take them out before putting LUMIFY in your eyes. Wait 10 minutes before putting your contacts back in after use of LUMIFY.

      Can I use it with other eye drops?
      Yes, but you’ll want to wait at least 5 minutes between products.

      Do I need a prescription?
      No. LUMIFY is available over the counter, without a prescription.

      What makes my eyes red?
      Occasional eye redness is a common condition that can be caused by inflammation of almost any part of the eye. Common causes include environmental allergens, excessive use of digital devices, lack of sleep, or having dry eyes.

      Who is Bausch + Lomb?
      Bausch + Lomb is a leading global eye health organization that is solely focused on protecting, enhancing and restoring people’s eyesight. Its core businesses include over-the-counter supplements, eye care products, ophthalmic pharmaceuticals, contact lenses, lens care products, ophthalmic surgical devices and instruments.

      Does LUMIFY have side effects?
      In clinical trials, a small number of people reported itching, foreign body sensation, tearing and pain which were temporary and mild to moderate in severity. We ask that you report any concerns with Bausch + Lomb products via phone at 800-553-5340.

      How long will they last?
      In clinical trials, one drop lasted up to 8 hours.

      What does it mean to be FDA approved?
      LUMIFY has been authorized for distribution by the FDA after review of our clinical trial program, in which six clinical studies were conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of LUMIFY (brimonidine tartrate, 0.025%) in relieving ocular redness.

      How often can I use LUMIFY?
      You can use LUMIFY up to 4 times per day. As with other OTC redness relievers, you should stop use and ask a doctor if you experience eye pain, changes in vision, redness or irritation, or your condition worsens or lasts more than 72 hours (3 days).

      Who are LUMIFY eye drops for?
      LUMIFY is for adults and children 5 years of age and over experiencing eye redness due to minor irritations. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a healthcare professional before use.
    • 1Data on file.
      ?Low-dose OTC brimonidine selectively targets redness.

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